Previous Educational Work – Darke Visions Showcase 2010

The Darke Visions Showcase was held at the Hall for Cornwall on 24th and 25th January 2010. The event brought together schools and community groups from across Cornwall to perform dance, performance and live extracts based around Nick’s work. It was a huge success and brought a whole new generation to Nick’s writing and the issues he cared deeply about.

We’ve included some images from the event below, courtesy of Sean Hurlock.

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Darke Visions Showcase 2010

Dancing off the Page: Darke Visions Dance Resource Pack

Beach School Lesson Plans
Wrecking and Beach Combing

Dancing off the Page: Darke Visions Dance Resource Pack

This exciting new educational resource pack (developed by Benjamin Dunks, Lois Taylor, Pat Hickman, Mary Edwards) is offered here as a free download as part of the Darke Visions Festival.

The celebration of Nick’s work is moving far outside the realm of theatre and drama, into art and dance as well. The Dance Forum, part of the Cornwall Arts Education Strategic Plan, commissioned 3 professional dancers and educators along with a dance AST to create the following teaching notes as a starting point for using Nick Darke’s work as creative inspiration for dance. Nick drew his creative energy from landscapes, people, tradition and a feel for Cornwall- you can do the same. The dance resources can also lead you onto cross curricular and whole school themed projects.

The Darke Visions dance resource pack contains simple single activities and shows you how to link these together to create a longer performance involving all the children, and their ideas. You don’t have to teach routines, just give the children the resources to find their own dance moves inspired by the sea, sea creatures, wreckers, flotsam and jetsam, storms, excerpts of text and music. All these ideas are also easily transferable to any other topic!

The activities in this pack can be translated to cover various Learning Objectives & Outcomes in the QCA Dance Units and some guidance on this has been noted at each activity. However, this pack has not been designed to teach the Units in order and because the activities are about the children using their creativity you can often develop the ideas to cover sections in other Units.

These teaching notes are also supported by a half day dance INSET. The Dance Forum expects to deliver 3 of these INSETs across the county through the School Sports Partnerships. If you would like anymore information about the INSETS or this pack please contact Helen Reynolds at KEAP on


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